ERIC JONES, Long Drive Champion, erläutert in seinem Buch “ The 5 Keys to Distance“ zwei wichtige Aspekte, nämlich Speed und Balance
1. Athletic Balance is the key to unlocking club head speed
All golfers dream of hitting the golf ball out of sight down the fairway. The key to getting more distance off the tee is swing speed. Sounds simple enough. But there are some basics that must be mastered first, in order to allow you to make your most athletic swing.
The first, and most fundamental, is balance. When I say balance I don’t mean simply the ability to remain standing after your vicious cut at the ball. I am really referring to what I call „athletic“ balance.
Nearly all sports have a „ready“ position where the athlete is poised to act. Baseball, football, basketball, skiing, all have the athlete in a position where their balance allows them to move correctly. Think about the baseball infielder for a moment. Just as the pitch is being delivered to the batter, the infielder must be precisely poised to be able to move in ANY DIRECTION as soon as the batter hits. In this position, the athlete’s center of mass is positioned directly above the balls of the feet. If the infielder were to have his center of mass forward, out over his toes, the only direction he could move effectively would be forward.
Most golfers, unfortunately, have their weight too far forward over their toes. Here is a simple test for golfers: Grab a club, take your normal address position, and jump up (or hop). If you hop forward, your center of mass is over your toes. This is the most common fault. If you hop backwards, your weight is too far on your heels. If you hop straight up and then come straight down and are still balanced, you are in the correct, „athletic“ balance. Fewer than 1 in 10 golfers are in the correct balance position at address. The result is nearly always a compensating move somewhere during the swing, which directly affects the ability to generate swing speed, hit the center of the clubface, and affects consistency.
If, while doing this little hop exercise, you found that you made a small hip or spine adjustment just before you hopped, PAY ATTENTION! That little adjustment that you make to enable yourself to hop straight up and straight down is exactly the same adjustment you should make for real on the golf course. Try it next time you play or practice. You don’t have to hop, but if you pretend that you are going to jump, you will often feel the little adjustment you need to make. Odds are that you will move your hips back anywhere from 1/2 inch to 2 inches. It is not a big adjustment, but everything will work better if you make it.
I write about athletic balance in much more detail in my eBook „The 5 Keys to Distance“ which you can find at You may also find more information about distance and the golf swing at
2. What’s the Secret to Hitting Longer Drives?
The „secret“ I’m about to tell you is simple, but it took me a LONG time to figure it out how to do it. This is hard-earned wisdom – from one golfer to another.
When I started working on increasing my own distance I was focused on the problem itself: How to hit the ball harder. That makes sense, right?
But what I found is that when it comes to the golf swing, you can’t overcome the laws of physics OR the fundamental realities of biomechanics. You have to work with them.
Taking a swing that isn’t built for distance and intensifying that swing will not lead to more distance. It only leads to tension, and tension kills swing speed and accuracy.
The real „ah-ha!“ moment came for me when I realized …
The ONE SECRET that made me a Long Drive Champion …
It’s about Swinging FASTER, not Harder
That one simple shift in thinking – not harder, but faster – changed my focus, took me in a brand new direction, and ultimately had a major effect on my long-term success as a competitive golfer, Long Drive Professioinal, and PGA Professional.
I focused on getting the clubhead through the ball a lot faster, and I learned that it’s actually an easy „fix“ once you know the keys. The problem was, I had to learn the keys the hard way. Thanks to this book, you don’t have to.
This book represents the distillation of everything I have learned: the swing mechanics, the physics, the biomechanics, the mental approach, the practice routines, the drills, and even the learning process. Everything that I use myself and everything I teach my students. The lessons I’ve learned the hard way are now being used by my students with remarkable results. That’s why I know they’ll work for you.
So now you know:
But knowing that speed is the answer is not enough. Anybody can tell you what to do (and they usually do!).
You need to know HOW to generate speed every time you tee it up. And THAT“S the beauty of this book and videos, and where other golf books so often fall short.
THIS BOOK IS DEDICATED TO SHOWING YOU HOW TO LEARN to generate more clubhead speed AND hit the ball more squarely, at the right launch angle. With The 5 Keys to Distance you’ll know exactly how to accomplish that.
Eric Jones, PGA Pro, World Long Drive Champion, author of „The 5 Keys to Distance“ eBook